Your audience will leave Jeff's event having experienced trust, change and decision making in a way they will never forget!
What if you could read your customer’s mind? More importantly, what if you could help them think the exact thoughts that lead to change? In this program, Jeff takes audiences through an experiential journey around the latest research in human decision making. Once we understand how our customers process information in order to make decisions, we can begin to craft and deliver messaging that is more impactful vs. antagonistic. In this program, you will learn how to overcome barriers to change (for both you and your customer), the biology, psychology, and physiology of decision making, and walk away with a communication model that will allow you to build trust faster and drive urgency to change in your customers!
What if I told you that you’ve likely been trained to sell entirely the wrong way? Recent advances in neuroscience research have afforded us unprecedented access into the human mind. From how it processes information to how it builds trust. From how it resists change to how it loves the status quo. Turns out, most people communicate with their customers using the wrong information, in the wrong way, at the wrong time, and in the wrong order. In this program, Jeff takes the complex topics of biology, psychology, and physiology and simplifies them into an experiential learning program that leaves participants inspired and motivated to change the way they communicate forever.
As human beings, we are hardwired to avoid risk. We love our safety boxes. Unfortunately, you can’t grow if you don’t leave the comfy confines of status quo. In this program, Jeff takes audiences through an experiential journey of the science of change resistance including how we resist change and why we resist change. He then teaches you how to overcome those barriers to drive growth in your own personal life and the lives you’ve been entrusted to lead. As you might imagine, participants will leave this program “changed”.
People buy from people and brands they trust. People follow leaders and coaches they trust. In general, trust is just about the most important feeling one human being can have towards another. The big question is, how do you ensure it’s not just a fleeting glimpse of how others see you, but an actual sustainable feeling that drives each and every relationship in your life? In this keynote, Jeff reveals the science behind trust. This program will give people the knowledge and practical tools to be a more effective and authentic communicator that drives trust faster, whether it’s with customers, employees, or personal relationships.
Nearly every habit we have, behavior we demonstrate and choice we make is a result of our brain recognizing and following specific patterns. Our brain thrives on pattern recognition. It uses patterns to predict. The problem is, many of us have conformed to the “patterns” of this world that aren’t necessarily helping us be better humans. From the workplace to the ball fields to our kitchen table, many of us have formed bad patterns that cause us to have less than healthy relationships. In this keynote, Jeff will teach you the science behind pattern recognition and help you self-diagnose the patterns you’ve formed so you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to change every aspect of every relationship you have both professionally and personally!
Have you ever heard someone say “I don’t like to be micro-managed?” I bet you have. Alternatively, have you ever heard someone say “I don’t like to be micro-coached?” I’d bet not. There’s a big difference between being a manager and a coach. When you understand the science of high performance and how to help people choose to perform at a world-class level, it changes every interaction…every conversation. It comes down to having a shared vision, understanding how humans are wired to behave and more importantly, how to influence those behaviors in any situation for mutual benefit. In this keynote, Jeff reveals the latest research in decision-making, high performance and a step by step approach to becoming a world-class coach!
Leadership is about influence. Leadership is about purpose. Most importantly, leadership is about others. There’s a science behind effective leaders. In this program, Jeff reveals findings from recent research that gives us a new perspective on how to lead and coach from a different point of view. Participants will learn the difference between cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and social intelligence. The audience will walk away inspired and motivated to lead differently. This engaging program will cause participants to self reflect and redirect their leadership focus changing they way they view themselves and their teams forever.
When you feel a story, you see it. When you see a story, you tell it effectively. Everyone’s life is a story that has been authentically felt and therefore can be drawn upon to utilize every emotionally valuable detail to move and inspire others.
Imagine having your audience learn the science behind effective storytelling and how to emotionally apply it in the moment in this “masterclass” keynote taught by leading applied neuroscience researcher, Jeff Bloomfield and #1 hit songwriter, Jimmy Yeary (14 #1 hits by artists like Tim McGraw, Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flats, Lee Brice and many others!)
Participants will leave with a new framework for storytelling that far surpasses conventional story models of old. Regardless of personality style or storytelling ability, participants will move on from this program with new tools to allow them to be an authentic, powerful, visual storytelling machine.